Articles - publications

Morel O-E, Buvry A, Le Corvoisier P, Tual L, Favret F, Léon-Velarde F, Crozatier B, Richalet J-P. Effects of nifedipine-induced pulmonary vasodilatation on cardiac receptors and protein kinase C isoforms in the chronically hypoxic rat. Pflugers Arch. Eur. J. Physiol. 446 : 356-364, 2003
Richalet J-P. Facteurs limitants de la performance en haute altitude : opération Everest III, Comex’97. Science et Sports 18 : 11-15, 2003.
Bouassida A, Zaouali M, Latiri I, Zelleg D, Ben Mdella S, Richalet J-P, Tabka Z. Cinétique du cortisol et de l’hormone de croissance plasmatiques lors de deux épreuves sous-maximales avec et sans récupération. Science et Sports 18 : 20-22, 2003
Favret F, Henderson KK, Richalet J-P, Gonzalez NC. Effects of exercise training on acclimatization to hypoxia: systemic O
2 transport during maximal exercise. J Appl Physiol. 95:1531-1541, 2003
Richalet J-P. Oxygène et physiologie dans les milieux extrêmes: un modèle et ses applications. Ann Biol Clin 61: 203-205, 2003
Trabelsi Y, Ben Saad H, Tabka Z, Gharbi N, Bouchez Buvry A, Richalet J-P, Guenard H. Spirometric reference values in Tunisian children. Respiration 71: 511-518, 2004
Bouassida A, Zelleg D, Zaouali M, Gharbi N, Fekih Y, Richalet J-P, Tabka Z. Effets d’un exercice supra-maximal sur les concentrations de la leptine plasmatique. Science et Sports 19: 136-138, 2004
Cornolo J, Mollard P, Brugniaux JV, Robach P, Richalet J-P. Autonomic control of the cardiovascular system during acclimatization to high altitude: effects of sildenafil. J Appl Physiol 97: 935-940, 2004
Robach P, Fulla Y, Westerterp K R, Richalet J-P. Comparative response of EPO and soluble transferrin receptor at high altitude. Med Sci Sports Exerc 36:1493-1498, 2004
Woorons X, Mollard P, Lamberto C, Letournel M, Richalet J-P. Effect of acute hypoxia on maximal exercise in trained and sedentary women. Med Sci Sports Exerc 37 : 147-154, 2005
Richalet J-P, Gratadour
P, Robach P, Pham I, Déchaux M, Joncquiert-Latarjet A, Mollard P, Brugniaux J, Cornolo J. Sildenafil inhibits the altitude-induced hypoxemia and pulmonary hypertension. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 171: 275-281, 2005
Tiollier E, Schmitt L, Burnat P, Fouillot J-P, Robach P, Filaire E, Guezennec CY, Richalet J-P. “Living High –Training Low ” altitude training: effects on mucosal immunity. Eur J Appl Physiol 94:298-304. 2005
Leon-Velarde F, Maggiorini M, Reeves JT, Aldashev A, Asmus I, Bernardi L, Ge RL,Hackett P, Kobayashi T, Moore LG, Penaloza D, Richalet JP, Roach R, Wu T, Vargas E, Zubieta-Castillo G, Zubieta-Calleja G. Consensus statement on chronic and subacute high altitude diseases. High Alt Med Biol. 6:147-157, 2005.
Povea C, Schmitt L, Brugniaux J, Nicolet G, Richalet J-P, Fouillot J-P. Effects of Intermittent Hypoxia on Heart Rate Variability during Rest and Exercise. High Alt Med Biol 6:215-225, 2005
Roels B, Schmitt L, Libicz S, Bentley D.J, Richalet J-P and Millet G.P. Specificity of VO2max and the ventilatory threshold in free swimming and cycle ergometry: comparison between triathletes and swimmers. Brit J of Sports Med 39:965-968, 2005
Morel OE, Aubert R, Richalet J-P, Chapelot D. Simulated high altitude selectively decreases protein intake and lean mass gain in rats. Physiology & Behavior 86:145-153, 2005
Cornolo J, Brugniaux JV, Macarlupu JL, Privat C, León-Velarde F and Richalet J-P. Autonomic adaptations in Andean trained participants to a 4,220m altitude marathon. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 37:2148-2153, 2005
Richalet J-P, Rivera M, Bouchet P, Chirinos E, Onnen I, Petitjean O, Bienvenu A, Lasne F, Moutereau S and León-Velarde F. Acetazolamide, a treatment for chronic mountain sickness. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 172:1427-1433, 2005
Gonzalez NC, Henderson KK, Favret F and Richalet JP. Rats living high, training low, show polycythemia-mediated increase in VO2max in spite of reduced tissue O2 extraction. J Appl Physiol. 99:2456, 2005
Brugniaux JV, Schmitt L, Robach P, Jeanvoine H, Zimmermann H, Nicolet G, Duvallet A, Fouillot J-P and Richalet J-P. Living High - Training Low: Tolerance and acclimatization in elite endurance athletes. Eur J Appl Physiol. 96: 66-77, 2006
Roels B, Hellard P, Schmitt L, Robach P, Richalet J-P and G.P. Millet. Is it more effective to live and train at 1200 m than at 1850 m in term of performance and haematological benefits in highly trained swimmers ? Brit J Sports Med 40(2): e4, 2006
Brugniaux JV, Schmitt L, Robach P, Nicolet G, Fouillot JP, Moutereau S, Lasne F, Pialoux V, Saas P, Chorvot MC, Cornolo J, Olsen NV, Richalet JP. Eighteen days of "living high, training low" stimulate erythropoiesis and enhance aerobic performance in elite middle-distance runners. J Appl Physiol. 100: 203-211, 2006
Favret F, Henderson KK, Richalet J-P, Gonzalez NC. Exercise training improves lung gas exchange, attenuates acute hypoxic pulmonary hypertension, but does not prevent pulmonary hypertension of prolonged hypoxia. J Appl Physiol. 100: 20-25, 2006
Macarlupu JL, Buvry A, Morel O-E, Leon-Velarde F, Richalet J-P, Favret F. Characterisation of ventilatory response to hypoxia in a model of transgenic anemic mice. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 150 : 19-26, 2006a
Macarlupú JL, Buvry A, Morel O-E, Leon-Velarde F, Richalet J-P, Favret F. Time course of ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia in a model of anemic transgenic mice. Respir Physiol Neurobiol
, 153: 14-22, 2006b
Schmitt L, Hellard
P, Millet GP, Roels B, Richalet J-P, Fouillot J-P. Heart rate variability and performance at two different altitudes in well-trained swimmers. Int J Sports Med 27: 226-231, 2006
Cornolo J, Fouillot J-P, Schmitt L, Povea C, Robach P, and Richalet J-P. Interactions between exposure to hypoxia and the training-induced autonomic adaptations in a « live high-train low » session. Eur J Appl Physiol. 96 : 389-396, 2006
Robach P, Schmitt L, Brugniaux J, Roels B, Millet G, Hellard P, Nicolet G, Duvallet A, Fouillot J-P, Moutereau S, Lasne F, Pialoux V, Olsen NV and Richalet J-P. Living high – training low: Effect on erythropoiesis and aerobic performance in highly trained swimmers. Eur J Appl Physiol 96: 423-433, 2006
Tual L, Morel O-E, Favret F, Guernier C, Buvry A, Germain L, Bernaudin J-F, Richalet J-P. Carvedilol inhibits right ventricular hypertrophy induced by chronic hypobaric hypoxia. Pfugers Arch 452 :371-379, 2006
León-Velarde F, Richalet J-P. Respiratory Control in Residents at High Altitude: Physiology and Pathophysiology. High Alt Med Biol 7 :125-137, 2006
Mounier R, Fellmann N, Pialoux V, Cayre A, Schmitt L, Richalet J-P, Robach P, Lasne F, Roels B, Millet G, Coudert J, Clottes E. Leukocyte’s HIF-1 expression and training-induced erythropoietic response in swimmers. Med Sci Sports Exerc 38:1410-1417, 2006
Robach P, Schmitt L, Brugniaux JV, Nicolet G, Duvallet A, Fouillot J-P, Pialoux V, Moutereau S, Lasne F, Olsen NV and Richalet J-P. Living high – training low: effect on erythropoiesis and maximal aerobic performance in elite Nordic skiers. Eur J Appl Physiol 97:627-636, 2006
Schmitt L, Millet G, Robach P, Nicolet G, Brugniaux J, Fouillot J-P, Richalet J-P. Influence of "Live high - train low" on performance and economy of work in elite endurance athletes. Eur J Appl Physiol 97: 627-636, 2006
Pialoux V, Mounier R, Ponsot E, Rock E, Mazur A, Dufour S, Richard R,Richalet JP, Coudert J, Fellmann N. Effects of exercise and training in hypoxia on antioxidant/pro-oxidant balance. Eur J Clin Nutr. 60:1345-54, 2006.
Woorons X, Mollard P, Pichon A, Lamberto C, Letournel M, Richalet J-P. Submaximal exercise in hypoxia induces a greater arterial desaturation in trained than untrained men. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 17: 431-436, 2007.
Mollard P, Woorons X, Letournel M, Cornolo J, Lamberto C, Beaudry M, Richalet JP. Role of maximal heart rate and arterial O
2 saturation on the decrement of VO2max in moderate acute hypoxia in trained and untrained men. Int J Sports Med.28:186-192, 2007
Richalet J-P. A proposed classification of environmental adaptation : the example of high altitude. Reviews Env Science Biotech 6:223-229, 2007
Trabelsi Y, Z. Tabka Z, Richalet
J-P, Gharbi N, Bienvenu A, Guenard H, Buvry A. Spirometric Values in Tunisian children: relationship with pubertal status. Ann Human Biol 34 :195-205, 2007
Woorons X, Mollard P, Pichon A, Duvallet A, Richalet J-P, Lamberto C. Prolonged expiration down to residual volume leads to severe arterial hypoxemia in athletes during submaximal exercise. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 158 :75-82, 2007
Mollard P, Woorons X, Letournel M, Lamberto C, Favret F, Pichon A, Beaudry M, Richalet J-P. Determinants of maximal oxygen uptake in moderate acute hypoxia in endurance athletes. Respir Physiol Neurobiol, 100:663-673, 2007.
Favret F, Richalet J-P. Exercise in hypoxia: the role of the autonomous nervous system. Respir Physiol Neurobiol
158:280-286, 2007.
Mollard P, Woorons X, Letournel M, Lamberto C, Favret F , Pichon A, Beaudry M and Richalet J-P. Determinant factor of aerobic performance in moderate acute hypoxia in women endurance athletes. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 159:178-186, 2007.
Schmitt L, Fouillot JP, Millet GP, Robach P, Nicolet G, Brugniaux J, Richalet JP. Altitude, Heart rate variability and aerobic capacities.Int J Sports Med. 29:300-306, 2008
El Hasnaoui-Saadani R, Cardenas Alayza R, Launay T, Pichon A, Quidu P, Beaudry M, Leon-Velarde F, Richalet JP, Duvallet A, Favret F. Brainstem NO modulates ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia in mice. J Appl Physiol. 103:1506-1512, 2007.
Woorons X, Mollard P, Pichon A, Duvallet A, Richalet J-P, Lamberto C. Effects of a 4-week training with voluntary hypoventilation carried out at low pulmonary volumes. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 160: 123-130, 2008.
Richalet JP, Chenivesse C, Larmignat P, Meille L. High altitude pulmonary oedema, Down syndrome and obstructive sleep apneas. High Alt Med Biol 9:179-181, 2008.
Richalet JP, Rivera M, Maignan M, Privat C, Pham I, Macarlupu JL, Petitjean O, León-Velarde F. Acetazolamide for Monge's disease: efficiency and tolerance. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 177:1370-1376, 2008
Richalet JP, Gore CJ. Live and/or sleep high - train low, using normobaric hypoxia. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 18 (Suppl 1) : 29-37, 2008
Rivera-Ch M, Huicho L, Bouchet P, Richalet JP, León-Velarde F. Effect of acetazolamide on ventilatory response in subjects with chronic mountain sickness. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 162: 184-189, 2008.
Brugniaux JV, Niva A, Pulkkinen I, Laukkanen RM, Richalet JP, Pichon AP. Polar Activity Watch 200: a new device to accurately assess energy expenditure. Br J Sports Med. 2008 Apr 15. [Epub ahead of print]
Mollard P, Woorons X, Antoine-Jonville S, Jutand L, Richalet JP, Favret F, Pichon A.'Oxygen uptake efficiency slope' in trained and untrained subjects exposed to hypoxia. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 161:167-173, 2008.
Trabelsi Y, Pariès J, Harrabi I, Zbidi A, Tabka Z, Richalet JP, Buvry A. Factors affecting the development of lung function in Tunisian children. Am J Hum Biol 20:716-725, 2008
Maignan M, Rivera-Ch M, Privat C, León-Velarde F, Richalet J-P, Pham I. Pulmonary pressure and cardiac function in chronic mountain sickness patients. Chest,135:499-504, 2009
El Hasnaoui-Saadani R, Pichon A, Marchant D, Olivier P, Launay T, Quidu P, Beaudry M, Duvallet A, Richalet JP, Favret F. Cerebrovascular adaptation to chronic anemia in a model of Erythropoietin deficient mice exposed to hypoxia. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 296:R801-811, 2009

Pialoux V, Mounier R, Rock E, Mazur A, Schmitt L, Richalet JP, Robach P, Coudert J, Fellmann N. Effects of acute hypoxic exposure on prooxidant/antioxidant balance in elite endurance athletes. Int J Sports Med 30:87-93, 2009.
Marcora SM, Kayser B, Amann M, Lundby C, Wagner PD, Nybo L, Grassi B, Perrey S, van Lieshout JJ, Marino FE, Brooks GA, Richalet JP. Commentaries on Viewpoint: Evidence that reduced skeletal muscle recruitment explains the lactate paradox during exercise at high altitude. J Appl Physiol 106:739-744, 2009.
Pialoux V, Mounier R, Rock E, Mazur E, Schmitt L, Richalet JP, Robach P, Brugniaux J, Coudert J, Fellmann N. Effects of the « Live High – Train Low » method on pro-oxidant/antioxydant balance on elite athletes. Eur J Clin Nutr 63:756-762, 2009
Bourdillon N, Mollard P, Letournel M, Beaudry M, Richalet JP. Non-invasive evaluation of the capillary recruitment in the human muscle during exercise in hypoxia. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 165:237-244, 2009
Pialoux V., Mounier R., Brugniaux J., Rock E., Mazur A., Richalet J.P., Robach P., Coudert J., and Fellmann N.Thirteen days of "live high - train low" does not affect prooxidant/antioxidant balance in elite swimmers. Eur J Appl Physiol 106:517-524, 2009.
Pialoux V, Brugniaux JV, Fellmann N, Richalet JP, Robach P, Schmitt L, Coudert J, Mounier R. Oxidative stress and HIF-1a modulate hypoxic ventilatory responses after hypoxic training on athletes. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 167:217-220, 2009
Richalet JP, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, Peyrard S, Vénisse A, Marelle L, Burnichon N, Bouzamondo A, Jeunemaitre X, Azizi M, Elghozi JL. A role for succinate deshydrogenase genes in low chemoresponsiveness to hypoxia ? Clin Auton Res 19:335-342, 2009
Pichon A, Zhenzhong B, Favret F, Jin G, Shufeng H, Marchant D, Richalet JP, Ge RL. Long-term ventilatory adaptation and ventilatory response to hypoxia in plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae): role of nNOS and dopamine. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 297: R978 –R987, 2009
Bourdillon N, Mollard P, Letournel M, Beaudry M, Richalet JP. Interaction between hypoxia and training on NIRS signal during exercise: contribution of a mathematical model. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 169:50-61, 2009
Mounier R, Pialoux V, Schmitt L, Richalet JP, Robach P, Coudert J, Clottes E, Fellmann N. Effects of acute hypoxia tests on blood markers in high-level endurance athletes. Eur J Appl Physiol.106:713-720, 2009
Charlot K, Cornolo J, Brugniaux JV, Richalet JP, Pichon A. Interchangeability between heart rate and photoplethysmography variabilities during sympathetic stimulations. Physiol Meas 30: 1357-1369, 2009
Pham I, Wuerzner G, Richalet JP, Peyrard S, Azizi M. Endothelin receptors blockade blunts hypoxia-induced increase in PAP in humans. Eur J Clin Invest 40 : 195-202, 2010
Launay T, Hagström L, Marchant D, Lottin-Divoux S, Quidu P, Favret F, Duvallet A, Darribère T, Richalet JP, Beaudry M. Blunting effect of hypoxia on the proliferation and differentiation of human primary and rat L6 myoblasts not counteracted by Epo. Cell prolif 43 : 1-8, 2010
Hagström L, Canon F, Agbulut O, Marchant D, Serrurier B, Richalet JP, Beaudry M, Bigard X and Launay T. Skeletal muscle intrinsic functional properties are preserved in a model of erythropoietin deficient mice exposed to hypoxia. Pflügers Archiv 459: 713-723, 2010
Pialoux V, Brugniaux JV, Rock E, Mazur A, Schmitt L, Richalet JP, Robach P, Clottes E, Coudert J, Fellmann N, Mounier R. Antioxidant status of elite athletes remains impaired 2 weeks after a simulated altitude training camp. Eur J Nutr. 49(5):285-92, 2010
Brugniaux JV, Niva A, Pulkkinen I, Laukkanen RM, Richalet JP, Pichon AP. Polar Activity Watch 200: a new device to accurately assess energy expenditure. Br J Sports Med. 44:245-249, 2010.
Hagström L, Agbulut O, El-Hasnaoui-Saadani R, Marchant D, Favret F, Richalet JP, Beaudry M, Launay T. Epo is relevant neither for microvascular formation nor for the new formation and maintenance of mice skeletal muscle fibres in both normoxia and hypoxia. J Biomed Biotechnol. 2010 (Epub 2010 Apr 14)
Mollard P, Bourdillon N, Letournel M, Herman H, Gibert S, Pichon A, Woorons X, Richalet JP. Validity of arterialized earlobe blood gases at rest and exercise in normoxia and hypoxia. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 172:179-83, 2010
Woorons X, Bourdillon N, Vandewalle H, Lamberto C, Mollard P, Richalet JP, Pichon A. Exercise with hypoventilation induces lower muscle oxygenation and higher blood lactate concentration: role of hypoxia and hypercapnia. Eur J Appl Physiol. 110:367-77, 2010
Richalet JP, Letournel M, Souberbielle JC. Effects of high altitude hypoxia on the hormonal response to hypothalamic factors. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 299:R1685-92, 2010
Bourguignon M, Yaghi L, Flajollet S, Radanne-Krawice I, Rouas-Freiss N, Lugrin D, Richalet JP, Carosella ED, Moreau P. Increased soluble human leukocyte antigen-G levels in peripheral blood from climbers on Mount Everest. Hum Immunol. 71:1105-1108, 2010.
Richalet JP, Letournel M, Salama J. Holmes-Addie syndrome associated with High Altitude Pulmonary Edema and low chemoresponsiveness to hypoxia. Clin Auton Res. 21 :55-56, 2011.
Woroons X, Bourdillon N, Lamberto C, Vandewalle H, Richalet JP, Mollard P, Pichon A. Cardiovascular responses during hypoventilation at exercise. Int J Sports Med 32 :438-445, 2011
Richalet JP, Larmignat P, Poitrine E, Letournel M, Canouï-Poitrine F. Physiological risk factors of severe high altitude illness: a prospective cohort study. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 2011 (in press)
Pham I, Wuerzner G, Richalet JP, Peyrard S, Azizi M. Bosentan effects in hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction : preliminary study in subjects with or without high altitude edema history. Pulm. Circ, 2012 (in press)
Lhuissier F, Brumm M, Ramier
D, Richalet JP. Ventilatory and cardiac responses to hypoxia at submaximal exercise are independent of altitude and exercise intensity. J. Appl. Physiol. 2012

Revues générales

Richalet J.-P. Aptitude cardio-vasculaire à l’altitude. In «Cardiologie du sport», Masson éd., 2000, pp 195-199
Dumas J.-L., Richalet J.-P., Lamberto C., Petitjean A.  100 Q.C.M. corrigés d’anatomie et de physiologie. Maloine éd., Paris, 2000
Richalet J-P. The Endocrine System. In: "High altitude. An Exporation of Human Adaptation". Lung Biology in Health and Disease. C. Lenfant Series, Vol 161. T.F. Hornbein and R.B. Schoene eds, Marcel Dekker Inc. New York. p 601-644, 2001
Richalet J.-P., Larmignat P. Pathologie liée à la haute altitude. In : « Réanimation Médicale ». Sous la direction de J.-M. Boles et coll., Masson éd. 2001, p 1573-1576
Richalet J.-P. Alimentation et environnement – Altitude. In: « Apports nutritionnels conseillés pour la population française », 3
ème éd. Tec & Doc, Paris, 2001, p 388-390.
Richalet J.-P., Larmignat P. Les pathologies d’altitude. In : « Urgences médico-chirurgicales de l’adulte ». Sous la direction de P. Carli et B. Riou. Arnette éd., Paris, 2003, p 800-805.
Richalet J.-P. Mal aigu des montagnes et complications. In : « Anesthésie réanimation chirurgicale ». Sous la direction de K. Samii. Flammarion éd., Paris, 2003, p 1176-1180.
Richalet J.-P., Herry J.-P. Médecine de l’alpinisme et des sports de montagne, Masson éd. (3ème édition), 2003
Richalet J.-P., Herry J.-P. Médecine de l’alpinisme et des sports de montagne, Masson éd. (4
ème édition), 2006
Richalet J.-P., Larmignat P. Pathologie liée à la haute altitude. In : « Réanimation Médicale ». Sous la direction de J.-M. Boles et coll., Masson éd. 2007, 2
ème éd
Richalet J-P. Mal aigu des montagnes et ses complications, prevention, preparation à un séjour en montagne. In “ Médecine du sport pour le praticien”. P. Rochcongar et H Monod, Elsevier Masson ed., Paris 2009, chapitre 14.

Richalet JP. Altitude, hypoxia and exercise. In Exercise physiology : from a cellular to an integrative approach. P. Connes, O. Hue and S. Perrey eds. IOS press, 2010
Richalet JP. Altitude, exercise and training. In « Encyclopedia of exercise medicine in health and disease » Springer-Verlag, 2010
Richalet JP. Hypertension artérielle pulmonaire et altitude. In « Hypertension artérielle pulmonaire » dir. G. Simonneau. Med-line éd. 2010

Richalet J-P. The Endocrine System. In: "High altitude. An Exporation of Human Adaptation". Lung Biology in Health and Disease. E Swenson and P Bärtsch eds, in press, 2012

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